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Title : Virtual Guardians Logo Animation

Date : 2018

Client : Studio Lux


VR을 활용한 로봇애니메이션


한영 로고제작과 로고애니메이션

그리고 애니메이션 속

장면전환 효과를 작업하였습니다.

VR기기와 미래적인 느낌을 나타내기 위해

HUD관련 디자인요소들을

활용하여 연출하였습니다.


Robot animation using VR


We worked on the transition effect

in the animation,

Korean-English logo production,

and logo animation

for the Virtual Guardians(tentative title) project.

It was created

using HUD-related design elements

to express a futuristic feeling and VR devices.



Title : Virtual Guardians Bankshot

Date : 2018

Client : Studio Lux

애니메이션 '버추얼가디언즈'에 등장하는

각 캐릭터의 뱅크샷(합체, 변신, 출격 등장면)입니다.

This is a bank shot of each character

appearing in the animation

"Virtual Guardians''

(consolidation, transformation,

sortie appearance).



Title : Virtual Guardians HUD

 Date : 2018

Client : Studio Lux

애니메이션 '버추얼가디언즈'의

화면 속 등장하는

HUD(Head Up Display) 디자인들입니다.

These are HUD (Head Up Display) designs

that appear on the screen of the

animation'Virtual Guardians'.

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